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Sunday, November 19, 2006
Spring has Sprung (II)
It's an unusual autumn we're having this year.
Roses are still still in bloom (photo taken today)
and Mr and Mrs Mallard, despite their feigned innocence below, were spotted flirting on the canal this afternoon, outdoing the courting couple I observed back in January, 2003. Why do the ducks bob their heads like that, anyway?
Footnote: Despite this being the earliest I've ever seen Mallards courting, it's not in any way unusual, according to several articles on the net. It was news to me ☺
The Times has also reported on our unusual Autumn.
Photos Copyright © Phil Randal, 2006
Posted by Phil at 6:01 PM
Edited on: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 10:23 PM
Categories: Environment, Photos, Waffle
Edited on: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 10:23 PM
Categories: Environment, Photos, Waffle